Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Don't hate on the pretty!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Maybe the best thing since my last blog

Always have a good laugh... OUCH

NEVER be a backstabber.

SO........ You think someone has your best interest in mind and Semi-likes you. You smile say hi, but always have an inclination that this person hates you( namely because the have told 5 people and are also shitspreaders). Me not being a backstabber and a true professional will only talk Sh!+ to peoples faces. I make a joke of it, I brush off peoples insecurities and try my hardest to have healthy relationships. A backstabber or Energy Vampire pretends that things are all good but then THROW YOU UNDER THE BUS once they are fed up with your ability to be nice, happy, healthy, HOT, and hygenic. Its o.k. that some people are malodorous, otherwise the rest of us non disgusting people would not have invented toothpaste, deodorant, or shampoo.

I'm just saying.

Any way this person sucks And you don't want them in your life.If there is a Shit spreading backstabber in your life confront them. Tell them that you know what they are trying to do. And that is... Making themselves feel better by undermining you. Trying to beat you to the finish line, when they are only racing themselves in life. Remember that these are not real circumstances and this person doesn't exist. Just keep one eye open and your nose plugged. Its a scary world out there, PLAY NICE!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Always take risks... Specially if its a movie.(Duplicity)....

I thought Duplicity was going to be "Pretty Woman" but with guns and Clive Owen. What I was surprised to find was a smart, sexy seductive movie about espionage and allure. What is funny to me is how relatable these characters are, when you look at them as people, not professionals. I won't ruin the story for you, but I will say look at the movie through an introspective lens, and have fun!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Never use fighting moves from video games.

The biker on the left uses his version of Chun-Li's spinning drill kick, then gets two uppercuts to the face. I do not endorse acts of physical violence, but this is funny. NEVER hit people